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Rule of Law

At Garston, we strive to make educated and impactful citizens of the future. One way in which this is developed, is through an in depth understanding of the Rule of Law. Children are taught that living under the rule of law protects individual citizens and that it is essential for their well-being and safety. An important part of British values is the understanding that any society or community can only work well, and protect all its members, if there are rules which everyone is expected to follow.

In order to support our children’s development in their understanding of the rule of law, we use the following.

  • We have clear school rules and high expectations, with concise consequences and rewards, ensuring our children have an understanding of the importance of rules. Below you will find our behaviour blueprint.
  • Pupil Leadership roles such as Prefects empower children to support others in following our school rules.
  • Our PSCHE curriculum makes continuous links to the British Values, including Rule of Law (and how to use the Internet appropriately. For further information regarding our PSCHE curriculum, please click here. 
  • We hold weekly assemblies in which we explore the different British Values and how they impact on our lives. To see an example of an assembly, please click here. 
  • We use Picture News resources to discuss and debate around current issues relating to different British Values. To see an example of Picture News, please click here. 
  • We develop children’s understanding of rules outside of school, such as Road Safety, through Road Safety Workshops and Bikeability sessions.
  • Year 2 benefiting from a Road Safety Workshop.

  • In addition, our Year 5 and 6 pupils have the opportunity to take part in the Mini Police programme, where they carry out a variety of responsibilities inside and outside of school, upholding the rules. For further information about Mini Police, click here. 
  • We also take part in the Cell’s Project. Cell’s primary objective is to educate children and young people on the consequences of crime. To find out more about the Cell’s Project, click here.