Our Behaviour Lead is: Rachel Dean (Head of School).
Our Deputy Behaviour Leads are: Daniel Foley, Sean Geohegan and Jenny Reilly.
At Garston Church of England Primary School our behaviour management policy is based around five key pillars which are:
1. Consistent, calm adult behaviours
2. First attention to best conduct
3. Relentless routines
4. Scripting difficult conversations
5. Restorative follow up
We have three simple rules which underpin our daily school lives. These are:
1. Look after yourself
2. Look after each other
3. Look after our school
When dealing with any behaviour our default response is always kindness. We do not shout, show negative emotions or use sarcasm. We believe that if children make poor behaviour choices it is our job to teach them the right way.
We place a large emphasis on celebrating the good choices our children make and we believe that each and every child can and should be celebrated for this. We have a number of ways in which we recognise good behaviour, these include:
1. #Milkshake Mondays
2. Mindset Hero Awards
3. Recognition boards
4. Always Club
5. Positive phone calls home
Our behaviour blueprint includes all of the information about how we manage children’s behaviour and it can be downloaded here: